Thursday, December 6, 2012

Five Reasons to Relocate to Perth

Perth, Western Australia's thriving capital is fast becoming the nation's most preferred city. With its wonderful sceneries and animated history, who would not want to live in this lovely city? Before you start packing your stuff and contacting movers, however, make sure that relocating to Perth is the best choice. To help you determine this, take a closer look at what makes Perth a migrant's paradise.

Reasons to Move to Perth

For the Lifestyle

Perth boasts of an incredible outdoor lifestyle ideal for people who prefer the outdoors. With a climate characterized by more hours of sunlight than in other Australian cities, you would not find Perth wanting of exciting activities.

Perth is also host to many restaurants, pubs, cafes, and bistros located at the city's several known gastronomic areas. You can find many places to eat that can suit your appetite.

Perth restaurants and bistros are the perfect places to go to if you are a foodie, or just want to enjoy great food and great service. They can offer all types of cuisines at different prices, all prepared with locally produced ingredients. Perth pubs and cafes, on the other hand, can offer great tasting alcoholic beverages and coffees of your preference.

For its Attractions

Perth has a range of attractions you can visit and enjoy. Some of the most famous attractions in Perth include the Kings Park and Botanic Gardens, the Perth Zoo, and the Perth Bell Tower.

The Kings Park and Botanic Gardens, located just outside of Perth's centre, consist of 400 hectares of parkland and gardens. It is set high on Mt. Eliza, providing a spectacular view of the Swan River.

The Perth Zoo offers locals and tourists alike the opportunity to see wildlife up close and in their natural habitats. Its exhibits include the Australian Walkabout, the African Savannah, and the Asian Rainforest.

The Perth Bell Tower or the Swan Bell Tower consists of a green glass spire, surrounded by copper "sails." With its 18 bells, which originated from London, it is the largest change ringing instrument in the world.

For its Culture

Perth is a cultural melting pot, with most of its residents originating from more than 200 different countries. Perth residents can speak as many as 270 different languages and identify with more than 100 religious faiths.

For its Geography

Perth is nestled along the banks of the magnificent Swan River and situated between the Darling Ranges and the Indian Ocean. The Swan River, named after Perth's native black swans, binds Perth to the east and to the south. The Darling Ranges, on the other hand, are upland granite and quartzite areas, which serve as the city's borders.

For its Economy

As Australia's economic boom centre shifts to the west, more and more people are deciding to relocate to Perth. Home to some of the nation's largest and most successful companies, it is the best economically performing city. Moreover, in a recent "State of the States" report, it achieved the top spot in six out of eight economic categories.

Is It Time to Change Your Home Address?   Picking Up The Right Mover For Your Job   

Reasons To Carry Non Owner Car Insurance

In most states, in order to maintain a license to drive, you should have some form of automobile insurance coverage. This is true whether or not you actually own a car. So if you are a licensed driver without your own vehicle, you can obtain non owner car insurance.

With the rising cost of gasoline, many people are choosing not to own automobiles. Those who live in more urban areas have the option of utilizing public transportation. Many people who live in the suburbs, or even very rural areas, are car-pooling or sharing rides.

Believe it or not, some people are entering into group ownership of an automobile. A group of people get together to buy a vehicle which they own cooperatively. Each person takes turn using the car, or scheduling to use it when needed.

Whether you drive occasionally in a carpool, or they have joint ownership of a vehicle that you drive on occasion, being covered by insurance is crucial. This is also true when you renting a car, or maybe rent a moving truck. You should carry some form of liability coverage, at the very least.

While most states require that drivers carry liability coverages, these only cover the damage you might do to another vehicle. Additional coverage against uninsured/underinsured motorists is especially recommended, as it is not uncommon for other drivers to carry liability with only the minimum limits. If you are in an accident with an older car (whose drivers often have inadequate liability protection), you will be glad to have more extensive coverage on your personal non owner car insurance policy.

Personal injury protection and medical payments coverage are two additional forms of protection in which you may wish to invest, so that you and your passengers are covered for injuries experienced during an accident. This is a particularly important coverage for those involved in carpools, as the driver is liable for any injuries sustained in an accident that is their own fault.

If you are a signatory on an outstanding car loan (even if you are a consignee for someone else), then the bank will insist that their asset (the car) be covered by comprehensive and collision policies. This coverage is highly recommended for a new car, too, whether or not it is under a bank lien. The expense of repairs for basic physical damage on a newer auto can be quite hefty.

These are some key reasons why you might want to obtain a personal non owner car insurance policy.

No Down Payment Car Insurance: Does It Benefit You?   Auto Insurance: There Is Safety in Numbers   Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers   Ways of Ensuring a Hassle Free Experience With the Breakdown Cover   How the Best Auto Insurance Quotes Can Translate to Serious Savings   

Factors of Van Insurance

If you have or own a van, then you must have specific van insurance. There are many factors that will affect your van insurance during when you buy it. Mainly, the cost of insurance premiums will depend on them.

Some important factors are given below:

Number of vans you would like insure The purpose of using the van i.e. commercial or private Weight and model of van No claim history and driving report Place where you drive your vehicle Your driving experience Security system of your van Your address as certain areas at higher risk And other additional information.

To ensure you get a good quote for your insurance these factors will play an important part by determining the premiums you will pay.

Van insurance is typically broken down into two different types:

Private Commercial

Normally vans are used more for commercial than private use, but if you use your van for both home and business uses then you will have ensure you got the right insurance to cover both types.

If you use your van for business, then when you get your quote and later the policy you will need declare what your business does and what goods you will carry. Having the right insurance will ensure your business is covered in the event of an accident.

You will have to submit the following details when getting insurance quotes for your van:

Types of your business you work in Types of your goods and quantity of goods that will be delivered every time. Details the information about drivers.

Again the premiums that you will pay will depend on the above factors, business van insurance will cost more but you will have additional coverage that private van owners will not have.

If your business involves carrying goods such as products, tools and other materials than you will require insurance for called transit insurance to cover for theft. If you meet an accident then you may require a replacement to cover while yours is repaired. Again this will add cost to the premiums but would be worth the money as not to stop your business from continuing.

No matter what van insurance you are looking for yourself you will have to give detailed information which is correct about yourself and your van. This way you will ensure you are covered in the case of an accident or theft to your van.

No Down Payment Car Insurance: Does It Benefit You?   Auto Insurance: There Is Safety in Numbers   Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers   Car Insurance Quotes: How to Ensure Cheap Means Cheap   What You Need To Consider Before Buying Car Insurance Cover   The Right Way to Do a Multi Car Insurance Comparison   

Six Types of Auto Insurance Coverage - Car Insurance Quotes Online

So you just got your first car. And whether it's a brand new sports car or a gently used mini-van, you're probably pretty proud of yourself. Auto insurance is a crucial part of owning a car. It may seem a bit confusing but really - it is not complicated at all


If you own and drive a car, the law says you have to have some form of auto insurance. How much and what type varies from state to state. But regardless of what the law says, you need to be insured because if you get to an accident, it can be very costly business.


What exactly does auto insurance cover? Well, lots of things from vehicles to property to physical bodies. There are six types of coverage - some that are required and some that are optional. Let me break it down for you.

1. Bodily Injury Liability

If you injure someone in an auto accident, not only will you feel really bad about it but you'll also be responsible for paying their medical bills. That's where Bodily Injury Liability comes into play. Now you will probably want to get more than the minimum required by state law because if you get sued you are going to need to be protected.

2. Personal Injury Coverage

Of course, if you get into an accident, you might be the one who gets injured. So that's where you will need Personal Injury Coverage. This will cover your medical bills, lost wages and sometimes even, heaven forbid - funeral costs.

3. Property Damage Liability

Chances are, even if you avoid hurting yourself or someone else in the accident, the car you hit is probably a bit worse for wear. Property Damage Liability covers you for damage to another person's car or any other property you might have hit during your accident. This covers you for lamp posts, fences, stop signs, or the broad side of a barn.

4. Collision Coverage

Of course, if you crashed into something or flipped your car over, your vehicle is the one that needs to be repaired - that's where Collision Coverage comes in handy.

5. Comprehensive Coverage

But then again, damage to your car may be caused by something other than crashing into another vehicle or an object. You've got to contend with fires, falling objects, missiles, explosions, earthquakes, hale, floods, vandalism, riots and run-ins with wild animals. So basically, Comprehensive pretty much covers you in case you decide to drive to the set of an action-adventure movie.

6. Uninsured or Under-Insured Motorist Coverage

The final type of coverage is for people who won't see this video and are foolish enough to drive either with not enough insurance or with no insurance at all. With Uninsured and Under-Insured Motorist Coverage, you're protected against a person who hits your car, can't pay for damages, or it's a hit and run accident.

Alright, that's all of them. I bet some of you had no idea there are so many types of coverage just for your car. It's important to understand each of these so you could decide what coverage you need to best protect yourself.

Minimum Requirements

But don't try to sneak by with as little insurance as possible. At the very least, you should have a minimum of $100,000 of bodily injury protection per person and $300,000 protection per accident. Oftentimes, accidents cost far more than the minimum required by most states.

Research and Selection Tips

And remember, there are a lot of auto insurance companies out there so do your research and find out who can give you the best deal and who has a good record of dealing with customers. Never choose on price alone. You do make sure that the company is financially stable and deals well with their customers.

Avoiding Accidents

One of the best ways to protect yourself from getting involved in an accident is make sure you're not distracted while driving. Recently, cellphone use and especially - texting - has become one of the greatest causes of accidents. Use your common sense, put the phone down and drive.

Alright, I think you are ready to hit the road.

Get your car insurance quotes online now.

No Down Payment Car Insurance: Does It Benefit You?   Auto Insurance: There Is Safety in Numbers   Classic Car Insurance for Young Drivers   Car Insurance Quotes: How to Ensure Cheap Means Cheap   

Server Virtualization by Business IT Support

As more people of varying generations recognize the value IT Support Companies, they are taking more steps towards the utilization of various server technologies. There are a series of trending terms that are used in association with Business IT Support, such as "Cloud Computing" and "IT virtualization". IT Consulting Solutions companies take their time and analyze a business's current hardware and software architecture prior to implementing the new technologies for their computer systems.

Server virtualization technologies are taking data centers and Managed IT Services around the world by storm. As more organizations and businesses go to It Consulting Solutions for the use of server virtualization, there is an increasing recognition of the benefits of decoupling applications, utilizing mobile app development, and organizing operating systems as they run on from physical hardware.

One of the challenges that IT Support companies often run into are that server virtualization can cause I/O bottlenecks. The cause of I/O bottlenecks is when a physical server running multiple virtual machines often must carry out more I/O operations than a server running a single workload. Another analysis by IT Support Companies is that the typical virtualization environments emulate I/O devices that run less efficiently than I/O devices run natively. A more subtle problem that occurs prior to implementing new technologies is that Business IT Support teams often run into space problems in the office space.

One of the essential installations by an IT Consulting company is a VMware server. A typical VMware server may need seven or more network ports. Within these network ports IT Consulting Solutions recommend at least two Fiber Channel ports for SAN connection, two Ethernet ports for connection to the LAN or WAN. In addition, the IT Consulting Company would recommend three more Ethernet ports for the VMotion software, IT Support management and backup to be used by the IT Solution Provider. If the business or organization is forced to switch from 1RU to 2RU servers to accommodate all these adapters, then it doubles its data center space requirements at a stroke. The overload of data will need to be displaced and reorganized by a Technical Staffing team from IT Consulting Solutions company.

It is also important to mention that IT Support Management will require the power and cabling to specific requirements. For instance, in an office where IT Consulting Company would conduct their analysis, they would consider that 18 servers on a rack with seven networking ports and two power cables comes to more than 150 cables to manage, each of which restricts airflow and can be accidentally knocked out at any time. For the ability to run a program for mobile app development and Custom Software development, the network cards can account for a large percentage of a server's power usage. It is important to go against the concept of an agile, compact, and highly available data center. The cost of cabling and configuration often remains the same until the work IT Solution provider is taken into account.

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The Hushed Willow - A Review

The Hushed Willow by Lorna Joy Knox nee Ramsamugh is a collection of poetry that will stir your emotions as you embark on a rollercoaster ride through life. As the title suggests the poetry contained in The Hushed Willow is that of emotions and feelings that are kept silent, feelings of sadness, loss, betrayal and hurt. The author has an exceptional gift of portraying such vivid emotions in such few words and is a joy to read. The words of her poetry flow together so gracefully with images from nature jumping up to meet you as you read.

This book takes us through the many adventures of life and recalls a multitude of emotions on its way. Lorna Knox is an extremely talented poet who endeavours to portray so much in so few words. Lorna uses modern free style poetry but maintains the constant rhythm necessary for great poetry.

Containing so many wonderful works of poetry it is quite difficult to choose a favourite or even favourites, however, one poem that really grabbed my attention was "Despair", this poem contains very powerful emotions especially those in the second verse as the poet describes love as a dream. I was also really taken by the poem "Magic", a short and uplifting collection of words where I found myself smiling as I reached the end. The last two lines of this poem really help to sum up this feeling - "To sit among a band, That will soothe me into never, never land."

At the end of this wonderful collection of poetry, Ms. Knox has concluded by giving us a taste of her other skills by including a short story titled "Bound in Friendship --- The Story of Two Friends". A remarkable story, well written that tests the boundaries of friendship in a light romantic story.

The Hushed Willow is a must for anyone with lust for poetry. There is a poem for everyone in this book, if you've lived at all you will definitely find a poem to relate to.

Lorna Joy Knox nee Ramsamugh is also the author of "Flames of a Rose" which can be purchased from all major bookstores including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

The Hushed Willow - A Review

The Hushed Willow by Lorna Joy Knox nee Ramsamugh is a collection of poetry that will stir your emotions as you embark on a rollercoaster ride through life. As the title suggests the poetry contained in The Hushed Willow is that of emotions and feelings that are kept silent, feelings of sadness, loss, betrayal and hurt. The author has an exceptional gift of portraying such vivid emotions in such few words and is a joy to read. The words of her poetry flow together so gracefully with images from nature jumping up to meet you as you read.

This book takes us through the many adventures of life and recalls a multitude of emotions on its way. Lorna Knox is an extremely talented poet who endeavours to portray so much in so few words. Lorna uses modern free style poetry but maintains the constant rhythm necessary for great poetry.

Containing so many wonderful works of poetry it is quite difficult to choose a favourite or even favourites, however, one poem that really grabbed my attention was "Despair", this poem contains very powerful emotions especially those in the second verse as the poet describes love as a dream. I was also really taken by the poem "Magic", a short and uplifting collection of words where I found myself smiling as I reached the end. The last two lines of this poem really help to sum up this feeling - "To sit among a band, That will soothe me into never, never land."

At the end of this wonderful collection of poetry, Ms. Knox has concluded by giving us a taste of her other skills by including a short story titled "Bound in Friendship --- The Story of Two Friends". A remarkable story, well written that tests the boundaries of friendship in a light romantic story.

The Hushed Willow is a must for anyone with lust for poetry. There is a poem for everyone in this book, if you've lived at all you will definitely find a poem to relate to.

Lorna Joy Knox nee Ramsamugh is also the author of "Flames of a Rose" which can be purchased from all major bookstores including Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review

Debra Warren has appropriately titled her book of poetry 'Pausing to Catch My Breath'. The pages depict this mother and grandmother as someone who I would personally love to sit across from at a kitchen table with a huge pot of tea and talk for hours.

Her style implements simple vocabulary with an honest appeal, yet her work is astoundingly moving. This is the kind of poetry that I like to read at a slow pace in order to allow the statements to really sink in. 'I think' is a good example of what I mean. 'Today' challenges readers to see beyond the mundane, by considering what others are experiencing that very moment. 'Its Never Too Late' was a moving piece about many kinds of incarceration. I related with 'Trapped', especially where she wrote, "I am trapped inside a body that betrays". 'Pausing to Catch My Breath' is a particularly beautifully written piece. I hope to retain in memory my favorite line of this poem, "Hearing the music, I dance to my yesterdays". Debra also displays an appealing sense of humor in her work. I loved the imagery of viewing cruel and stupid people as "human speed bumps" along the road of life.

'Pausing to Catch My Breath' most certainly displays Debra's ability to use uncomplicated prose to create deep emotion, intellectual thought and crisp images.

To find out more about this book simply visit the publisher's site, Publish America Inc at Readers may order Debra Warren's book (ISBN#:14137767478) through any library, retail bookseller or online bookstore.

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love

Book Release:

Gina's Poems -- Adventures in Love Written & illustrated by Siegfried J. Heger

ISBN 0-9763503-0-0 Perfect Bound, 72 pages, (8.5"x 7" x ¼")

Contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, 562-989-2901


Poetry and Photography Merge in Siegfried Heger's Gina's Poems

Gina's Poems explore love, doubt, fear, hope, elation, belief, faith and knowing; the result of three years of Siegfried J. Heger writing a poem to his wife almost every day, and illustrating each with a picture. Gina's Poems captures the essence of their relationship and journey through life in Los Angeles, touching their innermost thoughts and feelings.

Heger leads off by establishing the notion that we have already found "The Beach" however, because we are so busy looking for it, we cannot see it right in front of us. "Love is Giving" sends the message that we will receive what we give. If we want to be loved we have to love, if we want to receive a hug, we have to hug, if we want to have good friends we have to be a good friend. Set to a vibrant picture of a sunflower, the image and message has substance and beauty.

"Moment by Moment" tells the story of the past and future in which most of us live, where we are busy looking for what we missed in the past, or fearing what we will miss in the future. With all this looking we unfortunately miss the now, or what Siegfried calls the "bliss."

"Your Fellow Men" tells of our fear to connect to each other. "Let them touch you, not just see you, let them in you without warning" is about openness, receptiveness and connectedness to all the other beings in this world.

For photos or more information, please contact: Dolores Gaines, YOSOY Publishing, Public Relations e-mail or call 562-989-2901

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review

Debra Warren has appropriately titled her book of poetry 'Pausing to Catch My Breath'. The pages depict this mother and grandmother as someone who I would personally love to sit across from at a kitchen table with a huge pot of tea and talk for hours.

Her style implements simple vocabulary with an honest appeal, yet her work is astoundingly moving. This is the kind of poetry that I like to read at a slow pace in order to allow the statements to really sink in. 'I think' is a good example of what I mean. 'Today' challenges readers to see beyond the mundane, by considering what others are experiencing that very moment. 'Its Never Too Late' was a moving piece about many kinds of incarceration. I related with 'Trapped', especially where she wrote, "I am trapped inside a body that betrays". 'Pausing to Catch My Breath' is a particularly beautifully written piece. I hope to retain in memory my favorite line of this poem, "Hearing the music, I dance to my yesterdays". Debra also displays an appealing sense of humor in her work. I loved the imagery of viewing cruel and stupid people as "human speed bumps" along the road of life.

'Pausing to Catch My Breath' most certainly displays Debra's ability to use uncomplicated prose to create deep emotion, intellectual thought and crisp images.

To find out more about this book simply visit the publisher's site, Publish America Inc at Readers may order Debra Warren's book (ISBN#:14137767478) through any library, retail bookseller or online bookstore.

The Hushed Willow - A Review   Pausing to Catch My Breath - Book Review   Book Release: Gina's Poems - Adventures in Love   

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